Let's Reason TogetherSo let me engage your mind and reason. Let me take you on a journey through Scripture and the seven messages that God gave to me for these End-Times in my book titled Seven End-Times Messages From God. If you open up your mind, I believe God will open up your understanding of Scripture in what are the End-Times Jesus taught us about in Matthew 24. Your journey through Seven End-times Messages From God will awaken a passion in your heart to know the real God of the Bible and not the God promoted by religious interests. The God you will learn about is the God that Jesus loved. It is the God that Jesus willingly gave up his life for. The eternal life message you will learn is the real salvation message from time immemorial from God, as received and delivered through all of HIS prophets. That includes Jesus. Seven End-Times Messages From God
Seven Messages ...
After reading the two chapters on The End-Times and The Invitation, you will proceed with the six other messages I received from God. These are the chapters titled as follows:
Additional page images will be presented below. For now, listen to these two important teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ concerning hearing and obeying God's Word. Are you able to hear God? What about Jesus? Indeed, blessed are those who hear and observe God's Word!Starting on page 71, you will find ten teachings of Jesus that might shock you. Learn from Jesus' own teachings why it is that he cannot be God. To make Jesus God requires that you ignore all ten of these teachings of our Lord. To make Jesus God also requires that you make Jesus a liar in these Scriptures. Did our Lord Jesus Christ lie to us about who his God was? Did he lie to us about who he was? And, that's why it isn't just the words of God that we need to hear and obey. We also need to hear and obey the words of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ergo, God's commandment for all of us to "listen to Jesus." God has commanded us to listen to Jesus!In addition to teaching us who our God actually was, Jesus also taught us to worship and serve only the God that he worshipped and served. Today, many Christians worship Jesus instead of the God that Jesus taught us to worship. It is idolatrous and has led many Christians to become unfaithful to the God Jesus taught us to worship. A complete discussion of this unfaithfulness in in the chapter The Unfaithful. The Catholic Church even banned the use of God's name, Yahweh, which represents the Tetragrammaton. This is the YHWH found in Hebrew Scriptures that identify God Almighty. Ergo, in Catholicism you are asked to kneel before a carved or molded image of Jesus in violation of God's second commandment and then you are asked to worship Jesus as your God instead of who Jesus taught was our God. Catholics and many other Christians have also been taught not to read God's Word. Yet, verily I say unto you that God's Word will be more important to your eternal life than the doctrines of the Catholic Church or any other church for that matter. Consider who it is that Jesus taught us to worship and serve. Then consider God's first commandment: "You shall have no other gods before ME." That command would include not substituting Jesus, the begotten human Son [and messenger of God], as our God.
Seven End-Times Messages From God - eBook BenefitsEnjoy these twelve benefits when you buy the Seven Messages eBook.
God's Signs of End-Times BeginningThere's a lot more than eBook benefits to consider in Seven Messages. Here are some more sample page views. On page 9, you will learn the signs from God concerning the beginning of the End-Times. In other words, what is going to happen? How will we recognize we are actually in the End-Times? It is all explained in the Holy Bible. |
The End-Times Judgment of JesusOn page 33, you will learn six ways that Jesus will judge people and what he says to those who are righteous. None of these six ways have anything to do with claiming and mouthing Jesus as our Lord and savior. All of them have to do with how we treated others while on this earth. Click the image at the right to read what criteria Jesus will judge us with. Has your church taught you how Jesus will judge you? Or has it just taught you to claim Jesus as your Lord? |
The End-Times Selection ProcessOn page 32, you will learn more about the End-Times selection process that Jesus uses and applies as he decides who it is that will enter into an eternal life with God. On page 36, you will see the graphic at the right that will help you understand the eternal life selection criteria that Jesus uses. Again, what Jesus applies to judge us has nothing to do with any ability to mouth Jesus as our savior. In fact, in Matthew 7:21-23, Jesus makes it clear that he will reject many who call him Lord. Find out why. You might be surprised. |
Two Groups In Hell - Two In HeavenThe graphic illustrations on pages 36-37 show clearly from Scripture that an End-Times selection process is used by Jesus to determine who will enter into the rest of an eternal life and who will be rejected and sent to hell. There are two groups of people going to heaven and two groups going to hell. Find out why and how this teaching of Jesus differs from the dogma of the Orthodox Church. Should we be surprised when we get before our Lord Jesus Christ when he has warned us and advised us on the criteria he will use? |
Born Again Through God's WordOn page 49, you will learn that we are actually "Born-Again" through the word of God and not by mouthing Jesus as our Lord. This might come as a shock to many Christians who have been falsely led to believe all that they had to do was to claim Jesus as their savior. I'm afraid that salvation is a little more involved than simply mouthing HIS Son Jesus as our Lord. Find out why this is the case. What additional criteria does God have for us to enter into an eternal life once we leave the earth? The answers will surprise many Christians. You? |
The Four Receivers Of God's WordOn page 87, you will learn about the four types of receivers of God's Holy Word. Not everyone who hears God's Word will be able to accept it. As a result, not all of those who claim to be Christians are actually followers of Christ. True followers of Christ accept the truth of Scripture and actually do what Christ as asked them to do. Who will be fruitful servants of God? Find out and what it is that Jesus warned us about in Matthew 11:15. |
Exegesis of John 14:6 "I am the way"One of the main verses that the Orthodox Church uses to claim Jesus is the only way to heaven is John 14:6. However, the Church has got it wrong. A complete exegesis of John 14:6 cannot be done without taking into account the entire Bible when it comes to salvation. Learn what John 14:6 really means given the nature of the other teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Scripture cannot contradict other Scripture, as the Church does with its interpretation of this verse. |
You Can Obey God!On page 106, the discussion of God's expectations of your obedience starts with Scripture showing that it is not difficult for you to obey God and HIS commands. On page 107, you will learn an exception and why you cannot fully obey God's commandment concerning the Sabbath. Even if you worship on Saturday at your church, you do not obey the Sabbath commandment. Find out why and what it means from a spiritual perspective. Hint: Jesus is Lord even of the Sabbath. |
There Are Seven Spirits of GodThe Orthodox Church has peddled a trinity doctrine for over 1600 years now. Yet, Scripture fully teaches that there are actually seven Spirits of God and not just the Holy Spirit. Find out who they are starting on page 123. In order to cover their tracks with those who study God's Word, rationalizers of the trinity doctrine claim these are seven manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Yet, this is also a lie as God's Word defines them completely. You'll also learn that Jesus was given all seven of God's Spirits and that God sent all seven of HIS Spirits into all the earth. [See Revelation 5:6]. |
God's Tithing InstructionsOn page 149, you will see a tithing graphic that will help you understand God's instructions for tithing in the Old Testament. Today, the tithe has morphed into a huge money grab by many ministers. Find out why you are cursed IF you do actually tithe in the chapter titled: The Tithe Lie. If you are a tither, get your heart right with God by reading this chapter and in the process you can save a lot of money. Hint: Tithing places you UNDER the law. |
But that is not all, you'll also learn ...
Seven End-Times Messages From God
Jesus said: "But why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do the things which I say?" Luke 6:46 |
"He who does not believe [obey] the Son [Jesus] shall not see [eternal] life, but the wrath of God [still] abides on him [or her]." John 3:36 |
Jesus said: "You shall worship the LORD your God and HIM only shall you serve." Matthew 4:10 |
As a Christian, I am a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Today, that places me in direct conflict with the teachings of orthodox Christianity concerning the identity of God, the identity of Jesus, the nature of salvation, and the true nature of eternal life. The very teachings of our Lord Jesus are now almost universally ignored in Christian churches. The Church substitutes its dogma and traditions for the truth of God's Word. I worship the God that Jesus taught me about in the Holy Bible. The God he taught me about is the same God of the Old Testament. God has not changed and no amount of trinity doctrine rationalization can alter the reality of an unchangeable God. To understand the New Testament, you must first understand the Old Testament. Contrary to orthodox teachings, the Old Testament has not been done away with and God HIMSELF remains unchanged. Don't listen to me. Listen to what God has to say about HIS nature.
God said: "For I am the LORD, I do not change." Malachi 3:6 |
Therefore, I serve the God that Jesus, Paul and all of the other apostles served. I am a fellow servant of Christ. Yet, Christians have been misled by orthodox doctrines to believe something other than what Jesus taught us in Scripture. Learn God's truth. Learn what Jesus taught in the Holy Bible that the Church now ignores at the very risk and peril of every Christian soul.
Learning the true nature of the God that Jesus served might place you in an uncomfortable position while on this earth with your Christian family and friends, but it will ensure your eternal life in heaven after this earthly journey ends. And, that is what our Lord Jesus taught us to focus our thinking and goals on. We need to understand that we are just on a temporary earthly journey and that our real life begins in heaven after our earthly journey ends.
Your journey to heaven and an eternal life will become secure with God's truth. It is time to set aside orthodox Church beliefs and doctrines and focus on what the Holy Bible actually says. God has protected HIS Holy Word for an End-Times harvest. A time such as this when many Christian souls are being lost because of idolatry and unrighteousness in God's eyes. In truth, Jesus has now become the rationale for sin in many Christian lives. Jesus has become a "god of love" and a "god of forgiveness" for many who now excuse their sins away with the blood of Jesus. Yet, God's Word makes it clear in Hebrews 10:26-31 that Jesus is no excuse for a lifestyle of continued willful sin.
No doubt very few Christians have ever heard this part of God's Word and the fact that their salvation can be lost. The Church peddles a cheap grace doctrine that fails to teach God's Holy Word and HIS expectations for our salvation and eternal life. No, it isn't just about claiming Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Ergo, many Christians will claim Jesus as Lord, even on their way towards hell. Jesus explains this reality in Matthew 7:21-23 pointing out that many who claim him as savior will be rejected.
"For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for [our] sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation [2 Thess. 1:7-8] which will devour the adversaries [of God]. Anyone who has rejected Moses' law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he [or she] be thought worthy [of] who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he [or she] was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know HIM who said, 'Vengeance is MINE, I will repay,' says the LORD. And again, 'The LORD will judge HIS people.' It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." Hebrews 10:26-31 |
Apostle Ministry supports a ground team of people in India who speak the Telugu language and reach out to people locally with the word of God. The Telugu language is spoken by an estimated 70-80 million people in India. Our goal is to send 500 or more Telugu Bibles to India each year and your purchase of our eBooks or printed books helps to support this ministry goal. Each bible is hand delivered free to a family that could not otherwise afford such a Bible. If our street ministry outreach program was not in effect, many of these people would never hear about God and HIS human begotten Son Jesus. Many bibles will find their way into the home of a Hindu family to educate them on God's Word. It is not just a Bible that a family in India receives. There is an active street ministry on the ground equipped with God's Word to aide in helping new believers understand our Lord Jesus Christ and the God that he served and worshipped. There is also a local church in which they are welcomed to fellowship in.
The Telugu Bible is very similar to the King James Bible and the language itself appears to be a derivation of the ancient Aramaic language that Jesus spoke. When you purchase the Seven End-Times Messages eBook, you help send God's Word to India in the form of a Telugu Bible.
John 3:16 in Telugu Language
Get the book now in the version that you want below. Learn all that God has in store for your soul. You wouldn't have read this far if the Spirit of God hadn't guided you to get the book. There is so much more in Seven End-Times Messages From God. You won't want to miss this opportunity to learn about the real Jesus and the God that he served. There is only ONE true God.
Jesus, lifting his eyes to heaven and speaking to the FATHER, said: "And this is eternal life, that they may know YOU, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom YOU have sent." John 17:3 |
If your faith is based on the Bible, you owe it to yourself to read Seven End-Times Messages From God.
This is a book that every Christian, Jewish and Muslim person should have on their book shelf. Without the knowledge in this book, eternal life could be in jeopardy and that applies to virtually every person in every religion out there. Learn who Jesus was and what his message was that God gave him to share with us. You will bless your soul by knowing the true Jesus and "the only true God" that Jesus and I serve and worship. The seven messages that God gave me will bless you, your family, and your friends. These messages will bring you closer to the God that Jesus loved and served. And, I believe they will help keep your soul safer during the End-Time events that are unfolding before our eyes.
I praise God for HIS faithfulness and for HIS patience in warning all Christians to get back to HIS Word before their souls are lost. There is time for a great harvest of Christian souls. These souls will not be saved by mouthing Jesus as their savior. They will be saved by returning to God's Word and by obeying the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. It should not surprise me that God would send this message out to the Church in time to save Christians from the dogma they have been programmed with. HE has a history of revealing HIS intentions to those who serve HIM. Listen to what the prophet Amos says and please take heed to the warnings that God has given the Church. I stand in AWE of God for HIS faithfulness and the desire of HIS heart that not a single soul should be lost. We all have the free will to choose whom we will believe. Choose wisely. Choose to believe God's Word and to give it priority over the dogma of the Church.
"Surely the LORD God does nothing, unless HE reveals HIS secret to HIS servants the prophets." Amos 3:7 |
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